Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Not much but a little giggle today

Not too much to say today, at least that's for airing for the world to read. Though, I will give you a little funny:

My husband just finished a 2-day cardio stress test (great results, has the heart of a 30-yr-old--they actually asked him if he ran, HA!!!), but while doing this test they use a radioactive dye. They asked him yesterday if he had plans to go through border patrol checkpoints in the next week (we have border patrol check points between here and El Paso and here and Las Cruces). Well, he answered yes, he had to go to Cruces today and we'll be going to El Paso to pick up our mentors at the airport for a visit in a few days. So the doctor said that they would give my husband a letter detailing the information and date of the test because it would set off the border patrol radiation detectors.

We laughed about this and said, yeah, okay...haha. But no joke! My husband said when he pulled up to border patrol today that the agent wears a pager-like thing on his shirt that is a Geiger counter and it went crazy. So the pulled him into the detainment area and had him walk like 50 yards from his vehicle and ran the sensors over him and over the truck (and confirmed that it was him, not in the vehicle)--and had to fill out even more paperwork about the stop and copied the letter from the doctor.

Oh, when he got home today, I was practically on the floor howling in laughter as he was telling me about this ordeal!!! So, we'll have to warn our mentors when we pick them up that we'll be having a little excitement at border patrol.

Apparently I'm now married to radioactive man!

Just another one of those things in life where you need to just laugh!

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