Thursday, May 20, 2010

A Sigh of Relief!

Despite the fact that I have a million things to do and my calendar looks like a pen exploded all over it, I am at peace this evening. A peace that I didn't have this morning, and results to a poopy situation that we didn't expect to be resolved as quickly as it has--well, there's still work to be done, but you know how things get worse before they get better? The worst part of it hit rock bottom today--and the part about it getting better is going to take time and effort, but be a cakewalk compared to the descent. (Cryptic enough for you? Good.)

I have found my peace today in a faith lesson learned-a simple promise that we always claim, that God answers prayer.

This has been the conversation, almost a year of time as it progresses:

Me: This is my petition

God: Wait

Me: Okay, You know I'm not good at this waiting stuff, but I want to do this right, so I'll give it a try.

God: Wait

Me: So, I've been waiting awhile now...remember that petition, it's still there, but then again, You know that--I pray it often

God: Wait

Me: That petition again, I see how things have been placed in my path to make this change, but can you give me an idea of how this is going to change?

God: Nope. But you're doing okay. Just wait

Me: God, I don't understand this. I see you working, but I also see no outcome, and I can't see when that outcome will be.

God: *cricket cricket*

Me: I can't do this anymore! This situation plagues my thoughts, exasperates me to no end, has brought me to tears, and I want it to change--I've done everything I'm supposed to do, done all of the right things, sought counsel and advice, made every best effort. I'm at the end of my rope and really see no hope in this situation.

God: Hello? Is this thing on? WAIT

Me: *frustrated* Here's a few snarky remarks for you...

God: That's okay, I can take it. Still, wait

Me: I have no choice--all I can do is wait!

God: Exactly

...As time goes by, frustrations still exist, prayers of petition are still lifted by me and close friends, and at the culmination today...

Me: God! I see it! You did it! This totally came from left field--out of every possible result I could have had for the events today, this was not even on the radar.

God: Yep. See, while you were doing all that waiting and complaining, I was still working it out, according to MY will and not your desires

Me: *jaw on floor in awe* *slap upside the head of "lesson learned"* *lots and lots of praising and rejoicing*

Now, don't get me wrong--I don't converse in an audible voice with God as portrayed here, and this conversation has been made quite simplistic, but it doesn't diminish the meaning. I was doing what I knew to do: bring my frustration to the foot of the cross. I was also doing what I knew not to do: complain, whine, try to make the solutions happen myself, make God move in my timing (just to name a few). Even in my mistakes, God used this situation to show His power in my life. He worked, even when I doubted He was working, and His result was far greater than one I could have ever imagined or come to on my own.

In Jeremiah 33:3, The Lord has just come to Jeremiah a second time and says, "Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know." (NIV) God doesn't say that I'll answer right away, and those "great and unsearchable things" aren't the answers that we see or think we want.

So tonight I sit here with a bundle of emotions--elation, total peace, humbled before God, praising Him, satisfied, relieved in the weight that has been lifted, and renewed in a lesson that all of us need to learn once, and usually have to be re-taught several times through our walk with Christ.

So, I end with this tonight...

Me: There's not even the words in coherent language to properly thank you for not only working, but showing me again the importance of faith in You and Your Word.

God: My child, acknowledge Me, and serve Me with wholehearted devotion and with a willing mind, for I search every heart and understand every motive behind the thoughts. If you seek Me, I will be found by you; but if you forsake Me, I will reject you forever. Consider now, for I have chosen you to build a temple as a sanctuary. Be strong and courageous, and do the work. Do not be afraid or discouraged, for I am with you. I will not fail you or forsake you until all the work for the service of the temple of the LORD is finished. (Paraphrase made personal; 1 Chronicles 28:9-10,20)

Me: I will try to carry our Your admonition, but in reality, You know that I'm likely to mess up again.

God: I know, my child. And I will still be here, right alongside you, when you do

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

What a Day...

A day of meetings, frustration, venting (appropriately), and being made to feel about 2" tall.

Then came a great afternoon of lunch at a yummy citch-y restaurant with my mentor (the guys went to Mexican food) and an afternoon of just chilling, chatting, and laughing. Total stress melt.

I was skeptical at first of this whole mentoring program opportunity (me, skeptical? Never!) but I find myself now to be very thankful for this opportunity. It's great to be able to celebrate the successes and share the hard stuff. We've found in our mentors that they don't just give us advice, but (in a gentler way) say "What are you going to do about it?" or "Let me tell you a story about when we..." They don't just feed us the answers in life. Hubby and I were talking about that this evening...we really appreciate that in them.

Sad that tomorrow's our last day with them until our next visit that we scheduled with them in September. We're going to hit White Sands in the morning, spend a bit of time at the corps, drive out to El Paso, have supper, and say our "see you laters" as they prepare to board their plane.

Then back to reality--lots to do on Thursday to make sure all is getting caught up as we leave for Women's Ministry Retreat on Friday morning, my desk is an avalanche waiting to happen I am so far behind. Can't ladies are beside themselves excited and my mommy is coming too! 2 ladies and my mom have never been to retreat, and one hasn't been able to go for several years due to health. I think I'm more excited to see how they react to the event than actually experiencing it myself. Going to be a great weekend.

I need to hear some praises from others today--how are you blessed today?

Monday, May 17, 2010

A day with my hubby

We had to go to El Paso to pick up our mentors that are here for a visit yesterday, so we decided to make a day of it. After church yesterday we had lunch, changed, and hit the road. First stop, of course, was Costco--I won the checkout line contest of "predict how much our cart full will cost" (was within $25!). Had a phenomenally yummy dinner at Olive Garden (gotta hit those restaurants we don't have here!). Then checked in to our hotel (mentors' flight didn't get in until late). We had a little pool/hot tub time and just had a relaxing evening. So nice to get away from "life" and spend some time with my husband.

We've had a great day with our mentors so far. Drove back from El Paso, stopped at the corps to fix a glitch, stopped at the Christian bookstore while the boys fussed with one of the vehicles, had a lovely lunch, went to the thrift store, rested a bit, and had a great supper. Tomorrow we're spending a "business" day with our mentors as there's a few things we couldn't reschedule around their visit, but we're very eager to have some input on some of the meetings of tomorrow. Then in the afternoon we'll have a little individual time (wife/wife, husband/husband) and get back together for the evening.

For those that don't know, The Salvation Army has a pretty awesome program where during your first five years of officership, you chose mentors (other officers with experience) that you visit with twice a year to learn, vent, fellowship, etc. Our mentors are wonderful retired officers that my husband worked with for several years. We have blast together! We've really had to make our meetings a priority, as we've been officers almost 2 years and this is only our second visit. We've gotten better--we figured out that we need to schedule our visits for the year about six-eight months in advance to make dates line up with our schedules.

Anyway, that's all going on in life today...back to laundry and getting ready for tomorrow!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Nothing of Substance Today

After church, the hubby and I have declared an escape from life. Have no fear, we're only running away for the rest of the day. No computers, no phones (except emergency calls), and just FUN!!!

Back to regularly scheduled blogging tomorrow!