Friday, September 3, 2010

My Siblings (Day 4-Back on Board)

I have two older sisters and one younger brother--and yes, I had to add the 3rd picture of my brother because he is just that cool. (I know I have one of all four of us from our wedding, but I don't have the "official" wedding pics saved on this you have to suffer with individual shots)

My siblings are pretty darn awesome.

My brother is amazingly smart and completely hilarious--and apparently starting to take a liking to cooking as he has prepared some amazing meals while we have been in town. He's a great catch ladies--but remember, he does have three older sisters you must get approval from first!

The oldest sister (bottom picture) has her own business and lives far too far away...I think my sisters need to relocate to the west. She's married and has a son (who has a son--my great nephew!), and two spunky daughters.

My other sister (middle picture) finished nursing school a few years ago and is a nurse--such an accomplishment!!! She's married and has a son that is starting college this fall and two daughters as well (one of which is my God Daughter, whom I will be writing about in one of the upcoming challenge posts).

Like I said, my siblings are pretty darn great. Love 'em to death, wish we all lived closer, and have all sorts of memories together. Maybe someday I'll tell you the story of how I almost got my tongue cut out by two of them....

Thursday, September 2, 2010


No challenge post today. Tired from an early appointment and very sore this evening. Did a bit of shopping for us and the corps today, a lot of walking around that my body wasn't ready for yet. Excited that meds seem to be agreeing with me, so we get to go home soon....


It's all figured out!

Details on the diagnosis are on my facebook status from yesterday evening--I'm too tired to find it and copy/paste it here at this moment. Have a first course of treatment (medication) started and a plan B if this doesn't stop the fainting spells. Physical therapy on the back once I get home--had a consultation for it early this morning. No more doctor's visits here unless I get sick from the meds--HOORAY!!!!!!!

Pure elation does not even describe how great it feels to get to go home with some answers and to slowly start to get back to the corps and the rest of my life...I can even overlook the disappointment that I'm not allowed to drive again until I haven't fainted for 30 days.

I KNEW God had the answers for me here...and while I wasn't quite prepared for the gamut of tests and their invasive nature that I went through, He was faithful to my petitions and His promise to walk me through this! My prayers and the prayers and thoughts of others have been answered. AMEN!!!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

My Parents (Day 3)

(From our wedding, 1/31/09)

Are, without a doubt, amazing.

My parents are strong examples of what a good and long-lasting marriage looks like, and truly epitomize the definition of unconditional love to their children. It is interesting as I grow older and see how their different personality traits have manifested themselves in my life--and for the most part I won on the gene pool with red hair, blue eyes, and good teeth!

I have the cool opportunity to work with my parents a lot, as they both work at our divisional headquarters. It is weird sometimes to call them and be in "professional" mode and then call up later with a "I need to talk to my mommy/daddy" crisis, but all in all, I know where to get the answers to all of my questions in life!

And in case there was any doubt in your mind....I'm soooo Daddy's Little Girl.

The last two days have certainly been the most grueling as far as all this medical testing goes. I've been poked with more needles than I can count, with several IVs and lots more labwork. The last test I took yesterday was by far the worst ever--google "Tilt Table Test.'' I wasn't even up for 5 minutes. Nothing like something that purposely induces a fainting spell--and it was probably my worst fainting spell yet, it was really hard to bounce back from--left the hospital in a wheelchair and didn't start feeling like me again until late evening. So far the phone hasn't rung this morning with any new testing orders, which is good, because that means I will see the doctor this afternoon and start to look at some of the results!

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

My Vices (Day 2)

Ugh...too many to count.


I enjoy the pseudo-connectedness to others, finding people that were part of my life at times long gone by, playing mindless games that take my mind off the stress of life, and even using it as a tool of intercession to pray for my friends.

Not so much in a writing mood...not looking forward to the tests that I have to face today.

Monday, August 30, 2010

My Best Friend (Day 1)

Not to copy that of several of my friends, but this is my best friend.

(please pardon my poor image sizing)

My husband.

I met my husband in officer training school. It took time to get to know each other. For a period of time, I admit I had a crush on him, and talked myself out of it. Little did I know, a year later he would ask me out! (See a previous entry for our fairy tale)

My husband has seen me at the highest points and lowest of low points. He knows all of my deep, dark secrets and doesn't hold them against me. He loves me for who I am, even when I'm not able to love me for who I am right now. He has shown such selfless love and understanding in many ways to me, and I think in a lot of ways I've been able to provide that for him too. We can finish each other's sentences and know each other's thoughts before they are spoken, have similar likes and dislikes, and have the same firm policy of no pets in our household--ever.

He can always make me laugh. I believe I've laughed more knowing him than the last ten years combined. His sense of humor isn't always understood by many, but we like to say that the things he says are the things I think but won't say. Our brains work in the same way, but at different points of the equation. He sees the answer, I see the process--so we work well together in that aspect. We compliment each other so well in our ministry that it's creepy sometimes--he's good at what scares the bejeebers out of me, and I like doing the things he has not even a millisecond of patience for.

I truly believe with every fiber of my being that he is the man that God truly intended just for me, and am grateful for him and our relationship every day. I can't imagine my life without him.

Change of pace...just call me a follower

Brief update of the day...saw a specialist, who ordered more tests, endured 2 of them, got a free lunch in the patient cafeteria for 2 because scheduling messed up, two more tests up tomorrow--both requiring invasion of my body with needles and IVs and loss of my blood on some level (sense my excitement if you know my extreme love--okay, fear and queasiness--of needles), and holding out hope no more tests will be ordered so I can see my coordinating doc and finally get some answers on Wednesday (which prayerfully means we can go home sometime late this week--I miss my home!!!)

So, many blogs I read are jumping on the bandwagon of the 30-day challenge (I just read 5 in a row on various days!), so I figure I might as well follow the masses as well. Plus, I figure anyone who actually reads this is looking for something a little bit more than just my complaining and whining right now.

This is the list:
  • Day 1 -- Your Best Friend
  • Day 2 — Your vices
  • Day 3 — Your parents
  • Day 4 —Your siblings
  • Day 5 — Your dreams
  • Day 6 — Someone that inspires you
  • Day 7 — Your job
  • Day 8 — Your favorite internet friend that you’ve never met
  • Day 9 — Someone you wish you could meet
  • Day 10 — Someone you don’t talk to as much as you’d like to
  • Day 11 — A deceased person you wish you could talk to
  • Day 12 — Your dream vacation
  • Day 13 — Something you’re looking forward to
  • Day 14 — Someone you’ve drifted away from
  • Day 15 — The person you miss the most
  • Day 16 — Someone that’s not in your state/country
  • Day 17 — The place you wish you were from
  • Day 18 — The person that you wish you could be
  • Day 19 — Something that makes you different
  • Day 20 — Your favorite television shows
  • Day 21 — Someone you judged by their first impression
  • Day 22 — Your pet peeves
  • Day 23 — The last person you kissed
  • Day 24 — The person that gave you your favorite memory
  • Day 25 — A life changing moment
  • Day 26 — The last person you made a pinky promise to
  • Day 27 — The thing you most enjoy doing
  • Day 28 — Someone that changed your life
  • Day 29 — Your talent
  • Day 30 — Your reflection in the mirror

You will note that the content of these get a bit more intense...should be an interesting ride.