Saturday, August 14, 2010

In the words of Lorelai Gilmore...

"...And the hits just keep on comin'"

You know that moment when you think, "Man, things really can't get any worse"


So, last night as I was in my perpetual state of pain and laying in bed (and watching a particularly good movie), my cell phone rings. It's my husband, who I knew to be out on a bike ride.

But what do I know....

He was hit by his car on his bike.

So, I did my best to throw on some semblance of appropriate clothing to wear in public, as I have been wearing jammies in bed to be comfortable (another HA!). Then came getting behind the, I can't sit up, which is kind of an essential to I found a remotely tolerable position with the seat back as far as my arms could still reach the steering wheel (oh, it was special). Get to the ER and of course it's packed on Friday night, so I had the LAST parking spot...after what seemed to be an eternity of my limpy-with-a-cane walk to get to him, the next trial was where to sit. I tried to sit, that lasted all of five minutes, so I ended up having to kneel on the floor and lean over the seat (thank goodness it was very clean). The nurse laughed at me, but understood.

My husband didn't look super when I got there, because they hadn't cleaned him up yet. His nurse was exceptional, and got him cleaned up, talked with us, and was very nice while we waited for the doctor, who also turned out to be exceptionally nice and caring as well. Three hours later we were "walking" (oh, we were a sight together) to the car. (How does he get nice doctors and nurses and a three hour visit, when I have mean doctors who cut you off when you talk, don't listen, and end up being in the ER for 7-8 hours???)

In the end, no broken bones or serious injuries, just some gnarly road rash, a few bruises, and stiff muscles. His (expensive new) bike was totalled, helmet took some damage too--but ALL PRAISE TO GOD that it wasn't worse. After a good night's sleep and a wonderful wife to clean and bandage his wounds, he's in much better condition than one would expect for getting hit by a car. Just a little soreness and stiffness today. So relieved...I can't handle anymore bad news right now!

Nothing new on my end. Coached husband on grocery shopping (even with a list with brand name, item specifics, and a physical description of item's shelf location, he still called me three times with questions--he did wonderfully!) and how I wash the laundry (I know, beggars can't be choosers). I know I've said this a lot, but my husband is amazing to me--there is zero doubt in my mind of his unconditional love and his faith in "in sickness and in health." I owe him big time once I'm back to myself again.

Starting the mental checklists of everything to do and plan before leaving for the Mayo Clinic. Going to have to start writing it down...there's a lot to plan with not knowing for sure how long we'll be gone--7-14 days is not descriptive (though, 4 days into this jaunt starts our six days of furlough that was previously planned for which helps). Spending lots of time in prayer and talking with God these last few days. I believe He's preparing the doctors that I will be encountering and that we can at least get a diagnosis so a treatment plan can be determined. Been praying for lots of friends and family too. Doing a lot of listening as well. There is some plus side to the solitude.

Anyway...I'm babbling now. Until next time, adios!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Horizontal Musings

Since arriving home from church on Sunday, about 95% of my time has been spent laying down.

Why you may ask? Because my lower back is in such severe pain that I cannot sit-up or stand, or walk without the assistance of a "cane" (my husband's walking stick).

What caused the pain? Heck if I know. One moment I was fine, next I was in excruciating pain.

What did you do? Toughed it out for the afternoon watching "For Keeps" on netflix (I think the only Molly Ringwald movie I've never seen) and then at my husband's urging went to the ER.

What happened at the ER? Bloodwork, x-rays, IV, morphine injection (the ONLY relief I've felt from this pain), ultrasounds, and other unpleasant tests which resulted with me screaming from the pain of having to lay on my back for said tests--all over the span of seven hours.

So what was the result? Prescription for pain medication and another medication because "the back pain is the result of an infection"

What kind of infection? "We don't know"

How long will this last? See previous answer

When will I feel better? See previous answer my long list of dizziness, fainting spells, and general fatigue, I now add severe lower back pain.

I had no choice to get out of bed on Tuesday as our new food bank was coming for our certification inspection. It took me two hours to get dressed, and 15 minutes to get into the van and 15 minutes to get out of the van (with a 3 minute drive) to get myself to the corps to meet the inspector as my husband was at a long-awaited appointment that we couldn't cancel. Passed the inspection with flying colors and lots of compliments (thanks to my husband who spent well into the night on Monday making sure we couldn't get nailed on anything). After that I collapsed back into bed and slept the rest of the day away as it took every ounce of energy out of me.

Today I had another visit with my doctor, and she had all of the results of my tests from this second ER trip. Some interesting findings, but nothing that actually diagnoses my issues. We decided that we have tapped all of our local medical resources, and my doctor is on several panels at the Mayo, I'll be jaunting to the Mayo Clinic in Arizona in twelve days. I will be there 7-14 days while they do all of the tests that they feel need to be done and that I can see all of the specialists that I need to see in one trip, and hopefully I will leave there with a diagnosis and a treatment plan to fix me!!!

In the meantime, I'm getting our money's worth on netflix because daytime television is awful, mastering the art of working on my laptop laying down at every possible angle that may be comfortable at that moment, and doing my best to be a corps officer from our bedroom. Needless to say, the last part is a bit lacking despite technology that enables me to work from home and I am very frustrated with my lack of productivity and tired of being in bed.

My husband deserves super kudos juggling his packed schedule, filling in for me, taking care of me, and running my errands....he's been incredible.

When the pain meds wear off and I'm cranky, I find myself being rather negative...but I am trying my hardest to have a positive attitude (as I have no clue if I'll be bounding around again in a matter of days, or still stuck in bed until we leave for AZ). My doctor is 30 minutes from home, and by the time we got there today, I could barely get out of the car (laying in the front with the seat was too much of a "sitting up" position for me), our contingency plan for travelling to Phoenix is to put a twin mattress in the back of my minivan so I can lay in a comfortable position. Not sure how border patrol will react to this, but right now that's the only way I'm going to survive seven hours in the car. At this point I'm just praying to be okay enough to make it to church on Sunday so my husband doesn't have to do everything.

So...there you have it. Life from my side of the bed. Time to get up and shuffle a painful lap around the kitchen (I'm terribly paranoid of blood clots from being in bed so long) On the upside, even with being in bed for the last four days, I still lost 4 pounds! This brings me to a total of 40 pounds lost since my heaviest weight (last April when I had my sinus surgery) and 30lbs lost since October when I started going to my current doctor!!!