Wednesday, July 14, 2010

The Devil Made Me Do It

No he didn't!

Ugh. As of late, I have found it very grating on my brain when I hear the excuse, "I...because Satan is..." (there's so many forms of that phrase)

In my last homework assignment for my Bible study, there was a few paragraphs dedicated to the control that satan has over our lives.

Now...I'm no theologian, but don't we have free will? Don't we have the ability to make our own choices? Just as we can choose to follow God, do we not also have the choice to follow satan? Using that line of thought, how can he control us?

Also, "satan is everywhere." Okay...satan's minions/demons, maybe... but when did satan become omnipresent? How can he be tempting me, starting wars around the world, and dragging you through the mud at the same time?

Hubby and I were talking about this last night because it was really bugging me how part of this study tried to pass off our responsibility of choosing right over wrong as something that's not our problem, it's just satan working. Too fluffy for me. Didn't go over well when I tried to present this case in my small group during Bible study today...there were a lot of "buts" and "what abouts." I don't think it even made people stop and think.

Other than that, Bible study wasn't disappointing today--I am so glad I made this leap! Learned a TON about Passover, the Feast of Unleavened Bread, and the Feast of Firstfruits and their correlation to the crucifixion, death/burial, and resurrection of Christ. Very interesting!

It has only taken 6 months since the first brush stroke hit the wall, but our master bedroom is FINALLY painted (took us 2 coats and 8 hours...stupid vaulted ceilings). Valspar's Universal Umber is don't miss the lime green, and don't foresee ever doing so. Curtains are in the process of being washed, and we're going to rearrange some of the furniture, but otherwise our bedroom is finally somewhere we want to be other than sleep!

Exciting couple days ahead as we wind up our six days of furlough. Doing a little local visiting and having a little getaway. Not sure if I'm taking the laptop yet, but probably won't post until later in the weekend.

Enjoy the weekend--hopefully it's not too hot where you are!

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