Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Zero to Sixty and Back

Today was a test in my preparedness. I must say, I was rather surprised at myself and my ability to be flexible--not a strong point of mine. Needless to say, I found that it was rather painless to completely rearrange life for an unknown time span with little interruption of daily life at home after one short phone call, pack a suitcase in less than an hour (including a load of laundry and trip to the dry cleaners!), and putting my hands on the exact resources that I would need to refresh my grasp on said topic and shift into the mindset that I needed for the task at hand. Just as I zipped the suitcase to go out the door and drive to the airport, plans changed on a dime. God had some other plans, and I'm okay with that.

Well...at least I got the laundry done and finally ransomed out our uniforms from the dry cleaners...

So, after unpacking my expertly packed suitcase (it is so sad how good I've gotten at packing this year), I sat down to relax and while brownies baked for tomorrow's Bible study (my small group's turn to bring the refreshments), I finished my last lesson to prepare for tomorrow. It was an interesting study on Psalm 127. Now, this psalm has an interesting place in my heart as it was the scripture that I wrestled with for nine months in officer training school through exegesis, homiletics, and all the painstaking efforts in writing our "first" (read: intelligently prepared) sermons. The lesson in my Bible study today threw everything I knew right out the window, well sort of...it at least made me look more critically at what I was reading in the lesson, as the author of our study took the psalm, split it in half, and completely skewed the meaning as a result. While the lesson the author was getting to was a completely valid point in our relationship with God, she really missed the mark in interpreting this particular scripture.

Now I am taking it easy this evening and reflecting on life. Such an interesting journey, I'm glad I'm along for the ride. Can't imagine it any different than it is now, well, maybe with the exception of actually living in the same division--or at least time zone--of our friends (which means they need to move closer to us, because we like where we're at!)

Uninteresting day off planned for tomorrow...after Bible study I have to run some errands and work on a couple things at home. Resisting the urge to go to the corps...I'm curious to see the progress that was made after I left this afternoon on the newest endeavor in efficiency and organization to our food pantry--especially after ordering the utility carts that my husband requested for it today!

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