Saturday, June 5, 2010

Pet Peeves

We all have them--admit it. None of us are holy to the point where we are above those things that nag us to the core and make us want to last out and strangle the closest living being to us.

I have many pet peeves. I'm a creature of habit and routine, so there's a whollleeee bunch of things that just grate on me like no other.

This is not an exhaustive list, but just a "few":
-Crunching food. Yes, crunchy food exists in this world, but before you chomp down, SHUT YOUR MOUTH! I don't want to hear it.

-People who don't respect time. If something starts at 10, it does not mean 10:05. I do my best to be on time, if not five minutes early--so I deserve the same respect in return. This also goes for people not even showing up without notice.

-Morning. I hate morning. If I did not have to start to be human until 10am (that doesn't mean out the door), I would be a happy camper

-Poor customer service. I've been a waitress, fast food slinger, worked in clothing stores, managed a thrift store, and other jobs along the way. Don't even try to make excuses, just do your job to the best of your ability please. And if you are overwhelmed, please explain that to people--they will be far more understanding than just getting cruddy service. We will be happier customers (and likely better tippers) if we know why we aren't receiving good service.

-Phones. As a child of the '80s and working on every computer since the dawn of the home personal computer with disks that looked like old school sega games and remember the first bumblings of the internet--who else remembers prodigy? I hate talking on the phone. If communication could be handled in person, face-to-face, by email, or other internet means without the use of the telephone, I would be one happy woman. This pet peeve borders on the edge of fears...that's how much I hate the phone.

-Jaywalkers. Living in a small community does not mean that every street is safe to meander across anything you please at your leisure. One day you're going to be a hood ornament.

-Unsupervised kids. Much of my time in the afternoons is spent driving around town on errands. So many children are playing in driveways, on sidewalks, and in the street without a supervisory eye in sight. I'm all for teaching kids how to be safe when they play outside, but young kids who probably couldn't even tell you their phone number should not be riding their bikes up and down the street without an adult within earshot...just saying.

-Lack of preparedness. I'm guilty of this one too sometimes. As my husband says often, "Lack of planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on mine." Granted, there's exceptions to every rule. But I'll just leave that one at that.

Anyway, we all have our pet peeves. Some are very vocal about them, and others shove them down deep and are just a pressure cooker waiting to burst. Some of mine, people are very aware of--others aren't, mostly because I don't know how to start a conversation with the guilty party that wouldn't incite WWIII or hurt someone's feelings.

Don't know where this post came from tonight...very random I know. Must have been too much sun today. I am extremely grateful to my husband tonight for encouraging (kicking my rear) to the end of the benefit walk we participated in today. I know he didn't really want to do it initially, but we had some pretty good conversation along with way. My fat rear is so out of shape, even for the walking I've been doing--my goal for today was to just not come in last, and we didn't! Actually, we finished faster than we estimated it would take. Praying that the heart to hearts that we had today sunk in. I need my hubby's support right now for some stuff--and sometimes that support is going to have to come in the form of figuratively knocking me upside the head once in awhile. I'm falling asleep sitting up, probably time to go relax in bed and get ready for another great Sunday--we love our corps!

Update: Irate phone call my husband took the other day. Spouse of the irate person called hubby yesterday and apologized for the other spouse's behavior. Explained a little bit why the reaction came out so harshly. Doesn't quite justify such a lash out, but does make it a bit more understandable. Hubby told the spouse that they are welcome back anytime. (Irate phone caller had left in a huff before even being seen). Hubby called the volunteer to convey the information, and she was so happy to hear about it--she felt so guilty like it was her fault that the situation occurred, even though we tried our best to comfort and reassure her that it wasn't. She told hubby hearing that made her day. So, another happy ending :-)

Food for thought today:

"Submit to God and be at peace with him; in this way prosperity will come to you." (Job 22:21)

What's your view of the usage of "prosperity" in this verse? (Hint: open up the Bible and read it in context) I'm curious to hear some other views on this one...

1 comment:

  1. I have a giant list of pet peeves as well - lateness being near the top. I also can't stand when people make noise just to make noise (tapping fingers, weird noises with their mouths, humming, etc), and I dislike it a whole bunch when people roll their eyes at me!
